Search for tag: "fine art painter"

Painting with Craig Nelson, Ep. 86

Craig's final painting demo of 2021.

From  Academy of Art University Webinars Publisher

Painting with Craig Nelson, Ep. 72

This week Craig is back in the studio painting one of the many photos he took while away in Italy.

From  Scott Chema

Painting with Craig Nelson, Ep. 71

Direct from Italy, for your painting pleasure, and in-between in-person workshops and studies, Craig transforms a white canvas to a base for this week's demo featuring a countryside barn.

From  Scott Chema

Painting with Craig Nelson, Ep. 66

Craig chooses to do something daring this week when he takes on a London bar room. with complex detail and multiple figures.

From  Scott Chema

Student Story - Nina Fabunmi

Nina Fabunmi has always had a passion for painting and drawing. Learn how Nina turned her hobby into her pursuit of an MFA in Fine Art - Painting, and into a working professional.

From  Online_Education_Video